Children in 2nd grade - Children must be baptized Catholic and in their 2nd year of Faith Formation. If your child was not enrolled in the 1st grade, please contact Deacon Rudy Villarreal in the Church office. The preparation for First Reconciliation/First Eucharist will be done in class. A copy of their baptismal certificate must accompany reigistration form.
Children in 3rd grade -8th grade: must be baptized Catholic and must be in their second year of Faith Formation. If your child has not been enrolled in Faith Formation, you will enroll them in their grade level class and they will attend one year of Faith Formaiton. In their second year of Faith Formation, they will join the Late Sacrament Program. After successfully completing this Program they may celebrate their First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Copy of their baptismal certicate must accompany registration form.
Director: Deacon Rudy Villarreal, [email protected]